New Year Greetings from us at CCC!

Happy New Year to you and your family!

As 2023 comes to an end, and the new year begins, we want to take a moment to reflect on the past year and be thankful for the support of our contacts, friends, and community members. We wouldn't be here without you. To read a quick summary of our year-in-review, please visit here.

Through our 24 hours-a-day and 7 days-a-week helpline, we've been busy, especially going into the holidays and through them every day. We treat every call with great compassion and care.

On the helpline, we recently had a lady who called us asking to die because she was going blind, we gave her the support she needed to live well and be surrounded by a community that gave her meaning and purpose into her life. Another caller, said they had a friend scheduled for euthanasia, and after receiving support from us, she said her friend "has put MAiD on the shelf." Further, we have calls coming in continually with persons whose loved ones are in crisis or need advocacy support on how to navigate difficult end-of-life issues and/or treatment cases. These are often and routine and our lines remain open for every call and situation; we are here to help.

CCC continues to strive to provide our community with real knowledge, and practical training through both our Being With Volunteer Visitor Trainings and Patient Advocacy Training. These are free and hands-on effective ways to equip members of the community to help others, creating compassionate communities of caring individuals, and which ultimately, save lives.

We encourage you to visit in your community, please see the pictures throughout this blog post as we have a group of moms that visits with their kids with seniors living in the community; doing crafts, singing carols, and creating meaningful relationships and memories.

These visits are needed across our nation as we have a growing elderly and vulnerable population, especially over the holidays and into the New Year.

We greatly appreciate your support. If you would like to make a donation to support our work, please feel free to call us at 519-439-6445 to use credit card directly, or donations may be made online here. We thank you in advance for your support!

Cheers to another great year! If you have any questions now or into the New Year don't hesitate to contact us. We're always happy to help.


Kathy Matusiak Costa

Director, Compassionate Community Care