

Compassionate Community Care can help.

We can help you find answers to questions about end-of-life concerns and find the educational and support resources you deserve.

Call the Compassionate Community Care (CCC) helpline: 1-855-675-8749. If you would like to contact us at our office or for CCC’s non-helpline contact, please call us at 519-439-6445.

The CCC helpline provides advice, help, and support in these areas:

  • Patient advocacy

  • Conflict resolution

  • Education

  • Issues related to euthanasia and assisted suicide

  • Training programs and guides for visiting people in your community

Patient Advocacy

If you find yourself questioning the medical treatment or personal care that is being offered, have concerns about end-of-life issues, or there is conflict among the decision makers and family members of your loved one, we can provide advice and support. CCC can review the information and the overall care plan then offer guidance and changes required to meet the needs of the family, caregiver(s), and the person receiving care.

If you are concerned for your own safety or that of a loved one, we can connect you with advocates and legal experts to help ensure safe care.

Conflict Resolution

We can help you resolve conflicts with the medical team providing your care. Conflict resolution is a priority in providing excellent care. We are professional and effective in dealing with these situations and creating mutually beneficial solutions.

If there is a conflict within your family regarding the care of a loved one, we can assist by reviewing all the pertinent information and developing a plan to achieve resolution. We can also connect you with additional resources if necessary to assist you in resolving the conflict.


Education is a powerful tool that enables you to make informed decisions in the midst of potentially difficult and emotional situations and give genuinely informed consent. We educate health care professionals, volunteers and family members according to the unique needs of each.

Issues Related to Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide

Medical assistance in dying has been a much-debated issue in Canada. Despite it's legalization in June of 2016, we at CCC believe that all human life should be equally respected until natural death. If you feel that euthanasia or assisted suicide are options you wish to explore for yourself or a loved one, we can provide education about other options to lessen your fear of suffering, pain, and dying. By fully exploring alternatives, CCC demonstrates that high-quality care, along with true palliative care, is the best option in chronic and end-of-life care situations.

If you believe that you or your loved one is being treated in a manner whereby medical treatment or basic personal care is being withheld or deemed futile due to disability, chronic illness or an end-of-life diagnosis, we can help determine if the care offered is in the best interest of the patient. If not, we will advocate on the patient’s behalf or offer the assistance of legal experts.

Training Programs and Guides for Visiting People in Your Community

Compassionate Community Care (CCC) volunteer program “Being With” teaches people the reasons why it is so vital to visit our elderly and vulnerable people. By touching on the human needs of every person and why it is these needs are met.

CCC offers in-person training or virtual training. Perfect for groups or leaders to go and train others. Contact us if interested in pricing and scheduling your training seminar.