Fall Update and Appeal Letter

Dearest Friends,

As you are aware, the past eight months have been a busy period for Compassionate Community Care.

This year we published a number of valuable resources including a handy pamphlet on elder abuse prevention and awareness, final summary and detailed reports on the survey that we completed of over 500 Canadians called Honouring Our Seniors: A Survey of Canadians Impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic, along with a single page infographic. In addition to this we published Her Story: CWL London Diocese, 100th Anniversary Edition (1920-2020), which includes over 50 women’s moving stories of their ministry work, life, and family. These accounts are heartwarming, inspiring, and insightful; all of our resources are available by calling us at 519-439-6445.

This fall, we continue to participate in many speaking engagements, events, and conferences. Join us if you are able to in person or online! This month we have many exciting events. We will be speaking at: the Gift of Life Conference on Sat, Sept 16th in Ottawa from 1 pm – 4pm. Event details can be found on our website www.beingwith.org under events or email: cfcottawa@couplesforchrist.ca

On Wednesday, September 20th Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario is hosting Kathy Matusiak Costa with CCC as a guest speaker for one of its fall webinar series featuring Ontario organizations that help prevent elder abuse and protect the vulnerable. For event details, contact us at info@beingwith.org or visit: https://eapon.ca/eapo-webinars/

The Being With Visitors Training trains volunteers on the issues related to vulnerable persons and how to safely visit them. This program is one of the most practical and leading ways to effectively commit dedicated volunteers to remain involved in their communities on a long(er) term basis with proper support, which enables the elderly to feel connected to people who visit them regularly and offer social care. 

On Saturday Sept 23rd, Alliance of Life Ontario will be hosting CCC’s Being With Visitor’s Trainingduring a full-day event, in Guelph Ontario. To register please email aflo@mgl.ca or call: 519-820-3399. A live online session will be made available for those who wish to register and join via Zoom during this same time, please visit us at www.beingwith.org/events for details.

The Patient Advocacy Training program was created for participants to gain the skills and confidence to be an advocate in the healthcare system. It promotes effective advocates for their loved ones, family, friends and community contacts during medical appointments, seeking care support and helping people access the medical system. These sessions and resources are offered for free and regularly every few months; the next Patient Advocacy Training will be on Wed, Sept 27th from 7-9 pm. Everyone is invited to join, to register: www.beingwith.org/events

Last but not least, Alex’s Run for CCC is happening on Saturday, Sept 30th, 2023 at 9 am at Hamilton Bay. This is a half marathon (21.1 km) and everyone is welcome and encouraged to come and support us with a donation. All proceeds go towards CCC’s work and important initiatives. Refreshments will be provided.

Compassionate Community Care (CCC) offers life-affirming support and advice to individuals experiencing difficult medical decisions, crises, or moral conflicts among medical decision makers and family members regarding the medical care of a loved one.

CCC believes that all human beings have equal dignity and deserve to be treated with respect and compassion while receiving the care they need until their natural death. Whether someone is facing a chronic condition, disability, or end-of-life situation, we are here to help. Our confidential helpline: 1-855-675-8749 provides compassionate care advice to those who need support with chronic or terminal illness and end-of-life situations. We offer a person who listens, offers wisdom, care and compassion for free 7 days a week.

Please support us with a donation to support Alex’s Run for CCC, we need your financial backing to fund and promote our life-affirming work. We issue income tax receipts for all donations. We look forward to hearing from you!

Sincerely yours,

Kathy Matusiak Costa,

Director, Compassionate Community Care